Coffee price chart, background, and sentiment |
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
Coffee is a major agricultural commodity. In its various forms, coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages globally and a highly profitable industry, encompassing processing, trade and consumption. Coffee exports are a significant factor in the overall performance of several emerging markets economies.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
The price of coffee is subject to various factors, including weather conditions, crop yields, global demand, and geopolitical events in coffee-producing countries. Fluctuations in coffee prices can impact both coffee farmers and consumers worldwide, with producers benefiting from supply squeezes or demand increases. Most producers are found in a tropical belt across South America, Africa and Asia.
Traders may deal in coffee as either hedgers or speculators. Speculators dealing in coffee are normally expressing a view on global supply, due to weather and climate or export barriers, as opposed to demand which remains fairly stable. Some tradeable seasonal patterns exist in agricultural commodities.
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