Palladium price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Palladium is a rare, silvery-white precious metal belonging to the platinum group metals. Palladium is primarily used in catalytic converters for vehicles and in various industrial and electronic applications.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
Palladium is mainly mined in Russia and South Africa, two countries responsible for around 80% of the global supply. Smaller quantities are produced in Canada and the United States. Its primary use is in catalytic converters for petrol-powered vehicles, where it helps reduce harmful emissions. Palladium is also used in electronics, dentistry, jewellery, and fuel cells.
The price of palladium is influenced by supply and demand dynamics in the automotive industry, particularly the production of petrol-powered vehicles. Environmental regulations that require more efficient catalytic converters can increase demand. Supply disruptions, especially from major producers like Russia, can significantly impact prices. Palladium prices can be volatile and are affected by overall economic conditions, currency fluctuations, and investor sentiment towards precious metals.
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