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First Abu Dhabi Bank is the largest bank in the United Arab Emirates.
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First Abu Dhabi Bank is a full-service bank based in the UAE. Founded in 2017 through the merger of First Gulf Bank (FGB) and National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), FAB is headquartered in Abu Dhabi, with a strong presence in UAE and, since 2019, in Saudi Arabia. FAB offers a full array of banking products and services, including retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, and wealth management. The revenue mix is evenly split between the different client divisions, and the UAE is responsible for the vast majority of overall deposits and revenue.
FAB is listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) under the ticker FAB. The bank is majority-owned by the Government of Abu Dhabi through its sovereign wealth fund, Abu Dhabi Investment Council, which owns a 60% share in the bank. The second largest shareholders are the ruling Al Nayhan family, followed far behind by international investment funds.
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