T-Mobile (TMUS) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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T-Mobile International is the American brand of a global telecommunications company operated by Deutsche Telekom.
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T-Mobile is used as a brand name in multiple markets, but the NASDAQ-listed stock reflects the performance of the American subsidiary, headquartered in Washington state. T-Mobile is known for providing wireless voice, messaging, and data services. Established in 1994, T-Mobile has grown to become the second largest wireless carrier in the country, behind Verizon but ahead of AT&T. T-Mobile provides nationwide coverage and a range of mobile plans catering to individual consumers, businesses, and government agencies. The company has been instrumental in the roll-out of 5G access across the US.
The company is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol TMUS. The largest shareholders are Softbank, followed by State Street and Invesco.
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