GBP/AUD price chart, background, and sentiment |
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The GBP/AUD currency pair represents the exchange rate between the British pound sterling (GBP) and the Australian dollar (AUD). This currency pair reflects the value of the pound sterling expressed in Australian dollars.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
The GBP/AUD pair combines the currencies of two developed, anglophone nations on different continents. GBP is generally considered a safe haven, risk-off asset, while AUD often trends in line with industrial commodities.
The GBP is a secondary reserve currency, and it is traded extensively worldwide. AUD is a commodity-linked currency, with Australian exchange rates influenced by the price of industrial and precious metals and agricultural commodities. As well as being a major mineral exporter, Australia is a highly developed mixed economy, reducing volatility from commodity prices. Both currencies are influenced by rate decisions and the relative economic performance of the two states.
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