Corn price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Corn, known in some countries as maize, is a major agricultural crop with applications in food production, animal feed, and biofuel manufacturing.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
Corn is one of the most widely produced grains in the world. The United States is the largest producer, followed by China and Brazil. It’s a staple food in many countries and a key ingredient in animal feed, making corn the second most important grain crop after wheat. Additionally, corn is used to produce ethanol, a biofuel that’s blended with gasoline in many countries. Around 1,100 million tons are produced annually.
The price of corn is influenced by various factors like global supply and demand, weather conditions in major growing regions, and government policies related to agriculture and renewable fuels. The corn market is closely linked to other agricultural commodities, particularly soybeans, as farmers often choose between these crops based on relative prices and growing conditions.
Corn prices can be affected by changes in dietary trends, livestock production levels, and the demand for biofuels. Macroeconomic factors such as currency exchange rates, particularly the value of the US dollar, can impact corn prices as it’s typically priced in dollars on international markets. Energy prices also play a role, affecting both production costs and demand for corn-based ethanol.
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