Natural Gas price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Natural gas is a fossil fuel composed primarily of methane, obtained by dedicated drilling in gas fields. It is a critical energy resource used for various applications, including electricity generation, heating, industrial processes, and as a fuel for vehicles.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
The demand for natural gas is substantial, particularly in sectors like electricity generation, where it serves as a cleaner-burning alternative to coal. Its lower carbon dioxide emissions have positioned it as a transitional fuel in the move towards more sustainable energy sources. Gas also has many domestic and industrial applications.
The price of natural gas is partly seasonal, partly dependant on weather and supply factors. Natural gas is relatively abundant and easier to extract than oil, so prices tend to fluctuate around a low level, with occasional spikes, normally in northern hemisphere winter, linked to supply and demand squeezes. Traders include hedgers and speculators.
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