Adidas (ADS) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Adidas is a German sportswear manufacturer, and one of the world’s largest sports companies.
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Adidas was founded by Adolf Dassler in Bavaria in 1924. It grew rapidly, providing spiked running shoes and later trainers, to athletes. A feud with his brother in the late 1940s resulted in his brother creating Puma, which remains one of their key rivals alongside American sportswear giant Nike. Adidas’ business involves the design, manufacture, distribution and marketing of sportswear, and the company is active globally, with Europe, North America and China the most important markets. Sales are divided evenly between footwear and apparel.
Adidas’ largest shareholders are European asset managers and holding companies, including Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, Flossbach von Storch, and Nassef Sawiris, an Egyptian billionaire. The stock has usually, but not always, paid out a dividend to investors.
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