Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Advanced Micro Devices, normally abbreviated to AMD, is one of the world’s largest producers of semiconductors. Today, AMD runs a diversified product suite including GPUs, semiconductors, as well as research projects focused on machine learning, high-performance and low-energy solutions.
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Founded in 1969, AMD shot to global prominence during the personal computing revolution of the late eighties and early nineties, often in close competition with its major rival, Intel. During the twenty-first century, the growth of high-power personal computers, computer gaming, and later the rise of artificial intelligence and supercomputers all provided strong tailwinds to growth. Today AMD is generally considered to be the best semiconductor producer, though manufacturing itself has been spun off into a separate business.
AMD first went public in 1972, and today is owned by a diversified group of investment managers, with Vanguard group the largest single shareholder. Current chief executive Lisa Su and other company insiders also hold significant personal stakes. For many years AMD stock prices never managed to equal their 2001 tech-boom highs, but the company has seen an enormous rally since about 2015, making it one of the best performing tech stocks and relatively resilient to industry downturns.
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