Exxon Mobil (XOM) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Exxon Mobil (XOM) is an energy corporation headquartered in Irving, Texas that focuses on the production of crude oil and natural gas both in the United States and globally. The company provides energy-secure, low-emission solutions through its involvement in the manufacturing, trade, transport, and sale of crude oil, natural gas, petroleum, and other products.
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As the largest descendent of John Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Exxon Mobil was founded in 1999. Today, the company operates in over 60 countries with a global team of over 62,000 employees including engineers, researchers, technicians, and other professionals. It has four main segments: Upstream, Energy Products, Chemical Products, and Speciality Products. Their solutions include oil and natural gas products, fuels, aromatics, catalysts, petrochemicals, performance products.
The company has a storied stock history, as it was a result of the merger of Exxon and Mobil in late 1999. Prior to the merger, Mobil was rooted in Standard Oil of New York. In the merger, Mobil shareholders received 1.32015 shares of Exxon stock for ever Mobil share they owned. The share price of Exxon Mobil soared in the past two decades. Though there were periods of adversity in the energy industry, the company always bounced back.
Today, Exxon Mobile is one of the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies. It trades under the ticker ‘XOM’ on the NYSE, and it has a market capitalisation of over $410.85 billion.
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