Plug Power (PLUG) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Plug Power (PLUG) is a leading clean energy technology company, specializing in hydrogen fuel cell solutions. Established in 1997, the firm is renowned for providing eco-friendly power alternatives for material handling, transportation, and stationary applications, catering to various industries worldwide, especially the electric vehicle market. With a focus on sustainable energy, Plug Power has gained prominence in the clean energy sector.
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The company’s journey began in 1997 as a joint venture between DTE energy and Mechanical Worldwide, and it quickly became a pioneer in developing hydrogen fuel cell technology for material handling equipment, offering efficient and clean power solutions for warehouses and distribution centres. Over the years, Plug Power expanded its product portfolio to include fuel cells for on-road and off-road electric vehicles, providing emission-free power solutions for commercial fleet vehicles.
Plug Power launched via an IPO on NASDAQ in 1999, and the stock is popular with investors seeking exposure to high tech manufacturing and the clean energy sector. The company’s largest shareholder is Grove Energy Capital, followed by investment managers Vanguard and Blackrock.
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