NIO (NIO) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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NIO is a prominent Chinese manufacturer of electric cars, headquartered in Shanghai and with its stock trading on the NYSE. NIO is pursuing an aggressive expansion plan with the company having recently moved into Germany and Scandinavia, building on its domestic success to date. NIO produces sports cars, SUVs, and sedans for both high end and mass market segments.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
One of NIO’s distinguishing features is their cars are charged using battery replacement stations rather than the charge points used by a majority of electric vehicles. This allows for a much more rapid recharging of the vehicle, as users are able to exchange their depleted battery for a fresh one at an exchange station. Building out this network of exchange stations is one of the main investments NIO continues to make.
NIO’s 2018 IPO was priced on the low end of analyst expectations, largely driven by concerns about their larger rival TESLA’s then-poor performance. The stock boomed immediately afterwards, gaining 75% on its second trading day, but has since pulled back from highs amidst a general lack of confidence in the sector.
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