Palantir (PLTR) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Palantir is a global data analytics firm closely associated with the rise of ‘big data’ in the 2010s. Founded by Peter Thiel, the business counts many US Government agencies and other state bodies as major clients, though its services are available to public and private clients worldwide. Through various product ranges, Palantir provides automation and data analytics services and consultancy to a range of international clients.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
Palantir first filed in 2003 but was fully launched in 2004 by PayPal founder Peter Thiel, and began providing services to American clients. A partnership with Reuters in 2010 saw the company expand further into a financial services client base, and soon Palantir worked with a wide roster of corporate clients. Palantir acts as both a software and consulting business, drawing revenue from proprietary software as well as consulting on tech and data issues.
Palantir shares went public in 2020 via a direct listing, an alternative to an IPO popular with some tech companies, but which allows insiders to retain greater control of the business. The listing valued the company, yet to turn a profit, at over $20 billion. Major shareholders include Vanguard and Blackrock, as well as tech-focused hedge fund Renaissance Technologies.
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