PG&E (PCG) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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PG&E Corporation (PCG) is a utility holding company operating primarily in California, responsible for maintaining and operating essential utilities. It is the parent company of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, which is one of the largest electric and natural gas utilities in the country, and is considered a stable, dividend paying stock.
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The company’s main focus is on providing electricity and natural gas services to millions of customers across Northern and Central California. PG&E’s extensive infrastructure includes power generation facilities, transmission lines, and distribution networks. PG&E has been accused of neglecting infrastructure including high tension power lines, opening the company to the risk of significant damages if found liable.
PG&E is listed on the NYSE and forms part of the S&P500 index. Share returns tend to follow the general utilities sector, which is a common sector for dividend paying stocks. The largest investors are institutions including Blackrock and Vanguard.
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