Snowflake (SNOW) – Share price chart, background, and sentiment |
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Snowflake (SNOW) is a cloud-based data platform that provides technological solutions for clients to analyse and share vast amounts of data. Founded in 2012 and publicly launched in 2014, the company is based in Bozeman, Montana. It offers Data Cloud, which enables customers to consolidate data to drive business insights, and other analytics services such as data management.
Widgets supplied in partnership with Acuity. Pricing and sentiment does not represent ADSS data or market view.
Snowflake is perhaps most famous for its elastically scalable cloud data warehouse. Its product allows consumers to automatically scale up or down its compute resources for data integration and analysis. Consumers can run a higher number of workloads across many users without having to worry about resource contention.
Snowflake went public on the NYSE in September 2020 as the largest software IPO. Its blockbuster opening attracted significant attention from investors, including pledges from Berkshire Hathaway and Salesforce, to buy $250 million of stock at the IPO price in a private placement. Snowflake’s top shareholders consist of institutions such as Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, and Altimeter Capital Management.
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